קו התמיכה: 03-6022934

בשיתוף האגודה לזכויות החולה

Occupational rehabilitation and vocational rehabilitation offer solutions for those who are still of working age and whose ability to support themselves has been impacted.


This type of rehabilitation is provided by the National Insurance Institute of Israel (NII) (via the Rehabilitation Division) or the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services (via the social services departments of local authorities).


Vocational Rehabilitation Through the NII

This rehabilitation is aimed at using vocational training or job placement to help patients join the labor market. The programs are personalized and based on rehabilitative diagnosis and consulting services that support patients throughout the process.


Eligibility is given to those who meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Below retirement age.
  2. Those who have been recognized with a weighted permanent medical disability of at least 20%.
  3. Those who, due to their disability, are unable to work in their previous occupation or any other suitable occupation; or those who require vocational training in order to return to their occupation or a different one.
  4. Those who, after the rehabilitation process, will be able to join the labor market.

Eligibility for vocational rehabilitation is not dependent on receiving benefits of any kind from the NII.


In the framework of the program, it is possible to pursue a degree at an institution of higher education or vocational training institution (diploma studies), financed by the NII.


In cases where a disabled person is unable to undergo a rehabilitation process to return to work, and they have family (a spouse), the spouse may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation in their place, and to receive vocational training, assistance with job placement, and additional benefits.


Aside from special circumstances determined on a case-by-case basis, the main conditions of eligibility for vocational rehabilitation of a spouse are:


  • The disabled person is unable to undergo a rehabilitative process and return to work.
  • The spouse is below retirement age.
  • The disabled person receives a disability pension increment for the spouse.

A claim for vocational rehabilitation for the spouse is submitted in an identical manner to a claim for the disabled person themselves. Find additional conditions and details here.


The claim must be submitted before registering for studies!


In most cases, funding is provided for 12 months. In certain cases, as in the following examples, funding may be provided for more than 12 months:


  • When the person has over 65% disability.
  • When the person has over 40% disability and is eligible for a disability pension.
  • When the person has over 40% disability, is not eligible for a disability pension but has been assessed for loss of earning capacity.

What the Funding Includes

The funding includes tuition payments; psychometric studies and exams; travel expenses; a contribution to rent expenses in cases where the current housing is very far from the educational institution; and accessibility services.


A “rehabilitation allowance” for those who study at least 16 hours a week is given to those who meet the following criteria:


  • Those who do not receive a disability pension are entitled to rehabilitation allowance equivalent to the amount of the disability pension paid to those with 100% disability, in accordance with the size of their family.
  • Those who receive a partial disability pension are entitled to rehabilitation allowance of an amount supplementing their payment up to the amount of the disability pension paid to those with 100% disability, in accordance with the size of their family.
  • Those who receive a full disability pension are not eligible for rehabilitation allowance.

To find out more about the disability pension read the Disability Pension page in the Rights section, or click on the following link:


Submitting a Claim

The claim form, along with diplomas and certificates of education, training and job experience may be submitted in one of the following ways:


  • By filling out the online form and uploading the other documents to the NII website.
  • At the Rehabilitation Division of the NII branch nearest your place of residence (by mail/fax or in person).

After submitting the claim, you will be invited to meet with a NII rehabilitation representative, who will recommend a suitable track after getting to know you and your goals. They may also consult with other doctors.


Vocational Rehabilitation Claim – online form

regular form

Vocational Rehabilitation via the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Social Services

Occupational-vocational rehabilitation provides solutions for adults aged 18-67 and offers a wide range of services that facilitate optimal job placement and promotion in the labor market or in a protected framework. To receive these services, apply to the social services department in your area of residence.


Occupational rehabilitation services are varied and include:


  • Diagnosis and identification of occupational capabilities, leanings and aspirations
  • Developing a personal (occupational) rehabilitation plan
  • Training programs for learning vocational skills
  • Supplemental education
  • Finding employers, placement and suitable employment frameworks
  • Training employers

Who is Eligible

Those with a permanent medical disability of over 40%, including physical/motor/sensory/cognitive disabilities.


Breakdown of Existing Services

  1. Employment Centers

Located in the social services departments of local authorities, these centers develop and implement personal vocational rehabilitation plans.

Apply to the nearest social services (welfare) department in your area of residence. After talking to a vocational social worker, they will prepare a suitable personal rehabilitation plan for you.


  1. Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Centers

These centers perform diagnosis and evaluation and develop vocational fitness and training. There are 16 diagnosis and vocational rehabilitation centers in Israel. Their job is to prepare those being rehabilitated for the labor market and help them find a suitable workplace at the end of the training stage.


  1. Supported Employment

Supporting and promoting the development of skills in preparation for placement in a job in the labor market. Here emphasis is placed on finding a framework that suits those being rehabilitated, teaching employee/employer skills, salary adjustment, and developing employment horizons.


  1. Employment Promotion Enterprises

These are bodies that provide employment to people with disabilities, with the goal of rehabilitation. This is a solution for people who cannot, at this stage, work in the labor market. There are more than 80 protected enterprises and several rehabilitation enterprises.




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